Air and Dreams: an Essay on the Imagination of Movement

by Gaston Bachelard
Trans. Edith and Frederick Farrell

Bachelard uses his extensive knowledge of the poetry of Poe, Blake, Shelley, and Nietzsche to amplify the images of the airy elements.

ISBN: 0-911005-13-7
298 pages, indexed. Paper, $25.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Alchemical Psychology

Uniform Edition Vol. 5 by James Hillman

All of James Hillman's papers on the alchemical imagination from 1980 to the present: "Therapeutic Value of Alchemical Language"; "Silver and the White Earth"; "Alchemical Blue and the Unio Mentalis"; "Salt: A Chapter in Alchemical Psychology"; "Rudiments: Fire. Ovens, Vessels, Fuel, Glass"; "The Imagination of Air and the Collapse of Alchemy"; "The Yellowing of the Work"; "Concerning the Stone -- Alchemical Images of the Goal"; "The Azure Vault: Caelum as Experience."

ISBN-13: 978-0-88214-583-9
200 pages. Hardcover: First Edition, $100.00. Please limit 1 copy per customer.

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

If shipping internationally, please purchase the book and add one (1) international shipping charge per transaction.

We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Animal Presences

Uniform Edition Vol. 9 by James Hillman

This volume includes the major Eranos lecture "The Animal Kingdom in the Human Dream," and Hillman's contributions to the out-of-print "bestiary" Dream Animals (with Margot McLean), as well as the essays "Going Bugs"; "Nature in the Doghouse"; "The Elephant in the Garden of Eden"; "Imagination is Bull"; and shorter interviews and penetrating conversations on the animal theme.

ISBN-13: 978-0-88214-588-4
336 pages. Hardcover, signed copy. Price $32.00.

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Archetypal Psychology

Uniform Edition Vol. 1 by James Hillman

Originally written for the Italian Enciclopedia del Novecento, this indispensable book is a concise, instructive introduction to polytheism, Greek mythology, the soul-spirit distinction, anima mundi, psychopathology, soul-making, imagination, therapeutic practice, and the writings of C.G. Jung, Henry Corbin, and Adolf Portmann in the formulation of the field of Archetypal Psychology.

This long-awaited amended third edition includes a complete checklist of Hillman's writings and a comprehensive bibliography of publications in the field compiled by Thomas Cheetham.

ISBN-13: 978-0-88214-576-2
200 pages, third edition. Cloth hardcover $32.00

ISBN-13: 978-0-88214-579-2
200 pages, third edition. Paperback $24.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Choose Your Element

Choose Your Element is a collection of 4 books in a slipcase that introduces and explores the mystery of the four classic elements - earth, air, fire, and water. Infused with the insight of 20th century philosopher Gaston Bachelard, these books nurture a poetic appreciation of the physical world. Set includes 4 books: Earth is Round, Air is Clear, Fire is Hot, Water is Wet.

Joanne H. Stroud, Ph.D.

Illustrations by Tashasan
Book design by Suzanna Brown

ISBN: 978-0-911005-42-4 Perfect bound, 4 - 100 page illus. books w/ Slipcase.

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

City & Soul

Uniform Edition Vol. 2 by James Hillman
Edited by Robert J. Leaver and introduced by Gail Thomas

Forty-two chapters comprise Hillman's writings on the psychology of public affairs: urbanism, environmental aesthetics, citizenship, and politics. The essays and talks divide into four groups: Patient as Citizen; Politics of Beauty; Places of Practice; Responsive Environmentalism.

ISBN-13: 978-0-88214-577-8
416 pages, first edition. Hardcover, $32.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Classic Texts and the Nature of Authority

Donald and Louise Cowan, editors

Authority for leadership has its source in those who are led and is bestowed on a leader by a community as a mark of trust in an ability to interpret events and draw sound conclusions. Classic works of literature are the most readily available resource for the initiation and practice of the habit of interpretation. The present volume of essays from a Principals' Institute, together with texts of the subject works, constitutes something of a guidebook for this mode of study.

ISBN: 0-911005-23-4
303 pages. Paper, $19.95

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Conversing with James Hillman: Alchemical Psychology

Each of the James Hillman Symposiums takes for its subject a volume of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman. Conversing with James Hillman presents the discussions from the 2016 James Hillman Symposium on Alchemical Psychology held at The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture.

If shipping internationally, please purchase the book and add one (1) international shipping charge per transaction.

We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Paper back book with essays: 

Joanne H. Stroud, Ph.D. Series Editor
Robert Sardello Editor

ISBN: 978-0-911005-58-5 Paperback

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

DVD box set of the 2016 James Hillman Symposium

Conversing with James Hillman: Alchemical Psychology from the two-day 2016 James Hillman Symposium on DVDs (Box set of 6 DVDs w/program inside)  $29.95

PRESENTERS INCLUDE: Larry Allums, Gustavo Barcellos, Scott Becker, Pat Berry, Scott Churchill, Robert Kugelmann, Jean Lall, Stanton Marlan, Margot McLean, Thomas Moore, David Miller, Safron Rossi, Robert Sardello, Michael Sipiora, Glen Slater, Dennis Slattery, Joanne H. Stroud, Natasha Stroud, and Gail Thomas.


Conversing with James Hillman: City & Soul

Each of the James Hillman Symposiums takes for its subject a volume of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman. Conversing with James Hillman presents the discussions from the 2014 James Hillman Symposium on City & Soul held at The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture.

Joanne H. Stroud, Ph.D. Series Editor
Robert Sardello Editor

ISBN: 978-0-911005-56-1 Paperback

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Conversing with James Hillman: Mythic Figures

Each of the James Hillman Symposiums takes for its subject a volume of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman. Conversing with James Hillman presents the discussions from the 2017 James Hillman Symposium on Mythic Figures held at The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture.

If shipping internationally, please purchase the book and add one (1) international shipping charge per transaction.

We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Paper back book with essays: 

Joanne H. Stroud, Ph.D. Series Editor
Robert Sardello Editor

ISBN: 978-0-911005-59-2 Paperback

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

Conversing with James Hillman: Senex & Puer

Each of the James Hillman Symposiums takes for its subject a volume of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman. Conversing with James Hillman presents the discussions from the 2015 James Hillman Symposium on Senex & Puer held at The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture.

If shipping internationally, please purchase the book and add one (1) international shipping charge per transaction.

We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Paperback book with essays

Joanne H. Stroud, Ph.D. Series Editor
Robert Sardello Editor

ISBN: 978-0-911005-57-8 Paperback

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

DVD box set of the 2015 James Hillman Symposium

Conversing with James Hillman: Senex & Puer from the two-day 2015 James Hillman Symposium on DVDs — $24.95 (Box set of 4 DVDs)

PRESENTERS INCLUDE: Larry Allums, Gustavo Barcellos, Gustavo Beck, Scott Becker, Pat Berry, Tom Cheetham, Scott Churchill, Matthew Green, Nor Hall, Sarah Jackson, Judy Kelly, Robert Kugelmann, Robert Leaver, Richard Lewis, Margot McLean, Klaus Ottmann, Cheryl Sanders-Sardello, Robert Sardello, Glen Slater, Joanne H. Stroud, and Rodney Teague, Gail Thomas.

Earth and Reveries of Repose: an Essay on Images of Interiority

by Gaston Bachelard
Translated from the French and annotated ~Mary McAllester Jones
Series Overview ~Joanne H. Stroud

"The long-anticipated appearance of Bachelard's work on dreams and repose is a gift! In my view it is one of his finest accomplishments. The insights in the chapter on the Jonah complex are surely alone worth the price of the book!" ~ David L. Miller Watson-Ledden Professor of Religion Emeritus, Syracuse University Core Faculty Person (retired), Pacifica Graduate Institute

ISBN-13: 978-0-911005-52-3
350 pages, indexed. Hardback $40.00

ISBN-13: 978-0-911005-53-0
350 pages, indexed. Paperback $30.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Earth and Reveries of Will: an Essay on the Imagination of Matter

by Gaston Bachelard
Trans. Kenneth Haltman

Although English translations of the other books in the series on the elements - air, water and fire - are available from Dallas Institute Publications, this is the first translation of his 1978 work on earth. Totaling 418 pages, this book is by far the weightiest, perhaps appropriately so, as earth itself is heavy. In Earth and Reveries of Will, Bachelard augments our understanding with vibrant images of earth in its initiating, active role. A companion volume, Earth and Reveries of Repose, will be the final work in this series.

ISBN: 0-911005-29-3
418 pages, indexed. Cloth, $40.00 - OUT OF STOCK

ISBN: 0-911005-30-7
418 pages, indexed. Paper, $30.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Epic Cosmos

Louise Cowan, general editor

The community of scholar-critics that brought out The Terrain of Comedy has produced the second volume in its studies of the four genres, with Larry Allums as editor. Louise Cowan postulates a culture-generating cosmos as the identifying mark of epic. The essays illustrate the applicability of her theory of genres to major works in the epic tradition.

ISBN: 0-911005-22-6
378 pages, indexed. Paper, $19.95

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Flame of a Candle

by Gaston Bachelard
Trans. Joni Caldwell

"This book further-cements his thematic contention that the imagination is a flame, the flame of the psyche." -Joanne Stroud. Chapters include "Poetic Images of the Flame in Plant Life," ''The Solitude of the Candle Dreamer," and "The Light of the Lamp."

ISBN: 0-911005-14-5
89 pages, indexed. Cloth, $18.00 - OUT OF STOCK

ISBN: 0-911005-15-3
89 pages, indexed. Paper, $16.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Fragments of a Poetics on Fire

by Gaston Bachelard
Trans. Kenneth Haltman

Bachelard's final work on the element of fire, edited posthumously by his daughter Suzanne Bachelard and appearing for the first time in France in 1988, brings to light his poetics of fire in a critical introduction and essays on Prometheus, the Phoenix, and Empedocles.

ISBN: 0-911005-17-X
197 pages, indexed. Cloth, $25.00

ISBN: 0-911005-18-8
197 pages, indexed. Paper, $18.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

From Types to Images

Uniform Edition Vol. 4 by James Hillman

Moving Jungian psychology from types to images, to an image-based archetypal psychology, is James Hillman’s concern in this volume. This volume leads from Hillman’s principal essay on typology, “Egalitarian Typologies versus the Perception of the Unique,” to his expansive “Inquiry into Image.”

Hillman instigates an active re-visioning, re-imagining, of psychology as a self-generative activity of the soul: “An image is given by the imagining perspective and can only be perceived by an act of imagining.”

ISBN-13: 978-0882145822

ISBN-10: 0882145827

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Gaston Bachelard: An Elemental Reverie on the World's Stuff

Joanne H. Stroud, Ph.D

We are renewed when we follow Bachelard's instruction on how to read the world or how to read a poem. For all his inspiriting of matter, his enlivening of the world, there always remains a down-to-earth cast to his thoughts. Bachelard's contribution to the understanding of the imagination, indeed to the whole of consciousness, is measureless. - Joanne H. Stroud 

"Joanne Stroud Bilby's book on Bachelard is, you can bet on it, written by an enthusiast of the first order, and--in my view--enthusiasm is, along with his curiosity and illuminating intelligence, exactly the quality we most value in the work of the wonderful philosopher of surrealism. This is what imagination is about." - Mary Ann Caws Distinguished Professor of English, French, and Comparative Literature, Graduate School, CUNY, and author of The Surrealist Look: an Erotics of Encounter (MIT) and editor of Surrealism (Phaidon), Surrealist Love Poems (Tate Publishing), and Surrealist Painters and Poets (MIT).

Cover design by Suzanna Brown
Artwork by Margot McLean © 2004    
"Up Against the Wind",  17" x 11 1/2", mixed media on rag and rice paper.
Interior book by Eva Casey and Lee Nichol

ISBN 0-911005-54-4   ISBN 978-0-911005-54-7   $25.00

ISBN 0-911005-55-2  ISBN 978-0-911005-55-4    $18.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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Images of the Untouched

Joanne Stroud and Gail Thomas, editors

This collection of eight essays develops the imagery of the Virgin in pathology, culture, myths, religion, and dream. It seems important to amplify the realm of the virgin, for we are all pulled by the virgin's lure. We feel ambivalence toward this complex image; demands of the virginal soul, "to have one's own space" or "not to come too close" seem to appear with double meaning. The authors of these essays, who include Robert Sardello, Thomas Moore, and James Hillman, attempt to explore these virginal demands in greater detail.

ISBN: 0-88214-317-4
201 pages. Paper, $13.50

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Imagining Dallas

Gail Thomas, editor

Eight remarkable essays focusing on the life of the city and the recovery of imagination in the modern world. The authors-architects, psychologists, educators, writers-illustrate in diverse ways that to imagine the city in which we live is to participate actively in its making.

ISBN: 0-911005-00-5
95 pages. Paper, $8.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.


by Gaston Bachelard
Trans. Robert Dupree

The famous French scientist-psychologist-literary critic provides a virtual bestiary for depth psychology and literary criticism in his study of Isidore Ducasse, known by the pen-name Lautréamont. Includes essays by James Hillman "Baehelard's Lautreamont, or Psychoanalysis without a Patient," and Robert Scott Dupree, "Bachelard as Literary Critic."

ISBN: 0-911005-09-9
150 pages, indexed. Paper, $16.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Mythic Figures

Uniform Edition Vol. 6.1 by James Hillman
Introduced by Joanne H. Stroud

This volume collects Hillman's papers and lectures on the main figures of mythology, including Dionysus, Oedipus, Moses, Mars, and Athene: "Dionysus in Jung's Writings"; "Athene, Ananke, and the Necessity of Abnormal Psychology"; "The Inside of Strategies: Athene"; "Abandoning the Child"; "Wars, Arms, Rams, Mars"; "... And Huge Is Ugly: Zeus and the Titans"; "Oedipus Revisited"; "Pink Madness or Why Does Aphrodite Drive Man Crazy with Pornography?"; "In: Hestia's Preposition"; "Hera, Goddess of Marriage"; "Hermes Intoxication"; "A Note on Hermes Inflation"; "Moses, Alchemy, Authority"; "The Call of the God Okeanos"; "Orpheus"; "Good Mother Earth: Imaginal or Literal"; "Apollo, Dream, Reality"; "Joseph Campbell: Myth As Hero."

ISBN-13: 978-0-88214-584-6
300 pages. Hardcover, $32.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Philosophical Intimations

Uniform Edition Vol. 8 by James Hillman

Preface by Edward S. Casey

The lead essay in this volume, "Entertaining Ideas," could as well be its title. Ideas investigated range from particular philosophers (Heraclitus, Plotinus, Whitehead, Ficino, Vico, Carus, Proclus) to discussions of the philosophical aspects of an archetypal psychology. Also included are papers on language, cosmology, mathematics, certitude, futurology, polytheism, and Hillman's responses to colleagues and intellectual critics first published in the Italian book Dear James.

ISBN-13: 978-0-88214-587-7

Kindle/iBooks editioni eISBN: 978-0-88214-034-6

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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Prospect of Lyric

Bainard Cowan, editor

The fourth in the Genres of Literature series enters into the heart of the lyric experience, with General Editor Louise Cowan analyzing the lyric impulse, its otological ground, and its relation to the life of a culture. The following sixteen essays examine key poets and texts from Biblical and Greek antiquity to the modern American and Caribbean world, ending with a poet's critique of the conditions for poetry in contemporary culture.

ISBN: 978-0-911005-49-3
indexed. Paper, $24.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Rituals of the Imagination

by Thomas Moore

These four essays seek out the sacred in the everyday: the imagination is the primary instrument of the holy. This psychological study includes an essay on the psychology of Marsilio Ficino.

ISBN: 0-911005-03-X
64 pages: Paper, $12.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Senex & Puer

Uniform Edition Vol. 3 by James Hillman

Glen Slater writes in his introduction: "This volume, for the first time, collects James Hillman's running encounters with a primary psychological pattern, an archetype that arises alongside the very attempt to fashion psychological perspective. Senex and puer are Latin terms for "old man" and "youth," and personify the poles of tradition, stasis, structure, and authority on one side, and immediacy, wandering, invention and idealism on the other. The senex consolidates, grounds and disciplines; the puer flashes with insight and thrives on fantasy and creativity. These diverging, conflicting tendencies are ultimately interdependent, forming two faces of the one configuration, each face never far from the other. "Old" and "new" maybe the most direct terms for the pair.

ISBN-13: 978-0-88214-581-5
360 pages, first edition. Hardcover, $32.00

DVD includes four discs of footage from the 2015 James Hillman Symposium at the Dallas Institute. 

Cost of book/DVD + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Short Fiction of Caroline Gordon: A Critical Symposium

Thomas H. Landess, editor

In recognition of Miss Gordon's achievement six members of the University of Dallas English department have contributed essays to this critical symposium, which has as its special province the author's short fiction.

IBSN: 0-911005-34-X
133 pages. Cloth, $10.95

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Stirrings of Culture

Robert J. Sardello and Gail Thomas, editors

The sixty-eight articles in this book exemplify the imaginative work of the Dallas Institute and condense a lifetime of labor of the thirty-nine authors represented. The essays are grouped according to eight areas of thought: Ideas, Education, Architecture and Design, Economy, The City, Dallas, Street Life, and The Body.

ISBN: 0-911005-07-2
250 pages. Paper, $19.50

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Summoning the Familiar: Powers and Rites of Common Life

by Eileen Gregory

The three essays of this book are attempts to evoke a sense of the powers of soul which dwell in individual lives and in culture. "Human Making and the Fires of the Earth" brings new perspective to the myth of Prometheus, looking beyond the modern image of the Titan as the patron of Technology and instead seeing him in terms of the work with fire which he has made possible and necessary to human life. "The Myth of the Lyric World" explores moments of intimate revelation within ordinary life. "Friendship: A Marginal and Mixed Bond" considers this often sentimentalized love as one of the most awesome of human potentialities.

ISBN: 0-911005-04-8
90 pages. Paper, $8.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Terrain of Comedy

Louise Cowan, editor

The Dallas school of critics centered around Louise Cowan here presents a thorough probing of comedy as one of the territories through which the soul must journey. In the Introduction, Cowan sets forth her theory of genres; the following ten essays apply aspects of the theory to major works of the West, from Homer to Faulkner.

ISBN: 0-911005-05-6
259 pages, indexed. Paper, $16.00

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

If shipping internationally, please purchase the book and add one (1) international shipping charge per transaction.

We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

The Muses

Gail Thomas, editor

Essays by ten contributors invite us to remember and respect the reality and variety of inspiration required for fullness of humanity and community. The myth of Pegasus is presented as a mode of imagining the city and each of the nine muses is explored as a guiding presence in the diverse expressions of human creativity. This creativity is explored not only in the traditional realms of the arts, but in the domains of history, science, and popular culture. Contributing authors: Robert Sardello, Gail Thomas, Joanne Stroud, Frederick Turner, Robert S. Dupree, Robert Trammell, Daniel Russ, Mary Lou Hoyle, Dona S. Gower, and Eileen Gregory.

ISBN: 0-911005-26-9
131 pages. Paper, biblio. 

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

The Olympians

Joanne H. Stroud, editor

The gods of the Greeks exemplify two simultaneous characteristics: an empathy with human suffering and a capability of inspiring humankind to its highest aspirations. In evaluating the gods and goddesses and their mythical thinking, these essays reveal twelve dimensions of soul and spirit, living images of those creative forces that can be rekindled within the heart. Contributors include Donald Cowan, Louise Cowan, Gail Thomas, Dan Russ, Dona Gower, Eileen Gregory, Fred Turner, Lyle Novinski, Mary Vernon, William Burford, Joanne Stroud, and Robert Sardello.

ISBN: 0-911005-28-5
157 pages. Paper, biblio. 

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

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We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

TIME Doesn't TICK anymore

Time has many dimensions - Is it real or virtual? Does it stand still or race by? Is time merely a human need rather than a universal reality?

This witty little book, TIME Doesn't TICK Anymore, explores our notions of time, ranging from the sundial, to the grandfather clock - with its rhythmic tick tock - to the digital sense of time flashing past us in increments of nanoseconds, relentlessly pulsating, driving, and speeding up the pace of life. Our sense of time changes the way we live. T.S. Eliot's line seems to apply: "Hurry up, please. It's time."

Joanne H. Stroud, Ph.D.

Illustrations by Tashasan
Book Design by Suzanna Brown

ISBN 978-0-911005-47-9 Hard cover,
6.75 x 7.75, 56 pages with illustrations.

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

If shipping internationally, please purchase the book and add one (1) international shipping charge per transaction.

We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Towers 2 Tall

The idea of building a tower has seduced the human imagination from its earliest times. Towers provide refuge, showcase a civilization’s strength, secure cherished people and things, and allow us to enjoy a bird’s eye view of the ground below. Towers 2 Tall, with its scintillating illustrations of a trove of history’s most celebrated towers, invites us to consider our fascination with verticality and dizzying heights.

Joanne H. Stroud, Ph.D.

Illustrations by Tashasan
Book design by Suzanna Brown

ISBN 0-911005-48-X; Hard cover,

12 inches by 7.25 inches, 86 pages with illustrations.

Cost of book + $3.99 domestic shipping and handling.

If shipping internationally, please purchase the book and add one (1) international shipping charge per transaction.

We reserve the right to adjust shipping costs as needed, depending on United States Postal Service requirements. We will notify you by phone or email if this is the case.

Tragic Abyss

Louise Cowan, general editor

This collection of eighteen essays on tragedy is the third in a series on literary genre issued by Dallas Institute publications. Dr. Glenn Arbery is editor of this volume on the genre most emphasized by Aristotle and most debated through the centuries by critics and commentators. The essays explore tragedies from the Old Testament and the ancient Greeks to the most contemporary instances of the tragic action in dramatic and narrative forms.

ISBN: 0-911005-41-2
403 pages, indexed. Paper, $22.00

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Unbinding Prometheus: Education for the Coming Age

by Donald Cowan

This collection of essays by a distinguished physicist and educator unites a cultural and technological imagination of education. Essays include "Imagination, Redundancy, and the Act of Learning," "The Three Moments of Learning," "The Uncertainty Principle in Education," "Scientific Discovery and Gratitude," and "The Economics of Taste."

ISBN: 0-911005-33-1
228 pages. Paper, $15.00

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W.B. Yeats and the Learning of the Imagination

by Kathleen Raine

Kathleen Raine has long been recognized as one of the most profound commentators on Yeats’s work. Her words in this book distill for us the essence of Yeats’s imagination. We appreciate not only the beauty of the poems of this great craftsman of words but also his desire to inspire the deepening of soul knowledge.

"It is beautifully presented, and it contains some very important ideas. I learned a great deal from it and felt inspired in relation to my own work." Thomas Moore

ISBN: 0-911005-36-6
128 pages. Cloth, $24.00

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What is a Teacher?

Summer Institute faculty from the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture turn their considerable expertise—both as literary thinkers and as master teachers—to inspire us to think creatively about the significance and the true stature of the teacher.

What is a Teacher? Remembering the Soul of Education Through Classic Literature was debuted at the Dallas Institute Education Forum, September 6-7, 2013.

  • Hardcover - $25.00
  • ISBN-10: 0615830544
  • ISBN-13: 978-0615830544

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